Sunday 31 July 2011

Zimbabwe Cricket Test Trials and Tribulations

Well, this is all pretty new for me, the blogging thing that is, not the traveling thing. So stick around and check out my blog for some behind the scenes blogging.

Wednesday 27 July 2011

Travel Slowly

Don't even try to get down to this viewpoint. Fam damily and I decide to drive from Durban to go check this out only to find the road to this little tub had been closed to keep pesky 'shipwreck tourists' away. Needless to say we parked as close as we could and walked around the first corner only to see that we were still about 2 kilometers away! Quick, abandon ship! No way we were going to walk it!

Thanks to Kevin Heath from for the image.

The Phoenix has landed

Can this drowned phoenix rise to take on a second life?

Thanks to Kevin Heath from for the image.